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Schedule Illegal
People In Illegal People
Bacon explores the human side of globalization, exposing the many ways
it uproots people in Latin America and Asia, driving them to migrate.
At the same time, U.S. immigration policy makes the labor of those displaced
people a crime in the United States. Illegal People explains why our national
policy produces even more displacement, more migration, more immigration
raids, and a more divided, polarized society. Bacon powerfully traces the development of illegal status back to slavery and shows the human cost of treating the indispensable labor of millions of migrants-and the migrants themselves-as illegal. Illegal People argues for a sea change in the way we think, debate, and legislate around issues of migration and globalization, making a compelling case for why we need to consider immigration and migration from a globalized human rights perspective.
"David Bacon is the conscience of American journalism: an extraordinary social documentarist in the rugged humanist tradition of Dorothea Lange, Carey McWilliams, and Ernesto Galarza.." - Mike Davis
Without Borders Cornell University/ILR Press, October, 2006 “When we finally arrived at my brother's house in the United States, I thought about how far I was from home in Mexico. I looked back, saw the sun setting, and thought about my father and what he might be doing. I thought, 'Why did I come so far, and how am I going to return?' Before I left my father asked me why I wanted to leave. He said he thought we would never see each other again. My brother told him not to worry and that he would return me in a year. . . . My father was right, because we never did see him again.”-Irma Luna recalls her experience of migration, from Communities without Borders In his work of photojournalism and oral history, David Bacon documents the new reality of migrant experience: the creation of transnational communities. Drawing on his experience as a photographer and a journalist and also as a former labor organizer, Bacon portrays the lives of the people who migrate between Guatemala and Mexico and the United States. He takes us inside these communities and illuminates the ties that bind them together, the influence of their working conditions on their families and health, and their struggle for better lives. Communities without Borders makes an urgent appeal for understanding the human reality that should inform our national debate over immigration. “David Bacon is a nonfiction Steinbeck, the foremost documentarist of the great human drama of the borderlands.”—Mike Davis, author of Planet of Slums “Communities without Borders provides powerful images and stories of the immigrant experience in Guatemala, Mexico, and the United States. This is a timely work that contributes to our understanding of the impact of globalization, the human dimension of migration, and the poignant struggles of working people. It is an important book for labor and community leaders, for scholarsand students, and for all who care about social justice.”-Kent Wong, UCLA “David Bacon demonstrates remarkable breadth, insight, and creativity through his diverse documentary photography, oral history, and writing. The story he tells of migration communities—and the stories he lets those communities tell through their own eloquent words, on their own terms—is one of universal importance grounded in the specifics of a range of experiences. This book stands as a model for careful and responsible documentary work and provides much-needed depth and nuance to one of the central issues of our time.”—Tom Rankin, Director, Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University
Children of NAFTA University of California Press, 2004 El Viejo Topo, Barcelona, 2005 "Built from vivid, firsthand accounts, this is an extraordinary mural portrait of a border that few North Americans know anything about: of a working class fighting for survival on the unequal playing ground of NAFTA, where labor rights are almost always dishonored and where activists often end up blacklisted, jailed, or even desparecido. Bacon wonderfully coveys the passion, urgency and historical importance of the daily struggles to humanize the cold ultra-capitalist world of NAFTA."--Mike Davis, author of City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles "David Bacon has put a human face on the devastating impact of NAFTA on workers here and abroad. Our economic future as a nation depends on the knowledge contained in this book. A must read! ¡Si Se Puede!"--Dolores Huerta, Co-founder, United Farm Workers Union, President, Dolores Huerta Foundation "David Bacon represents the fine old tradition of American working-class journalism at its best. He's gone everywhere--from tiny Mexican villages to the baking hot fields of California agribusiness--to get the real lowdown on NAFTA's effects on the blue collar people who hardly ever get a hearing in the mainstream press."--Barbara Ehrenreich, author of Nickel and Dimed Living Under the Trees
Photographs and Oral Histories by David Bacon Triqui migrants from Oaxaca, Mexico work in the fields of prestigious wineries in Alexander Valley and at night return to tent settlements made of plastic-covered bamboo. In Del Mar, one of San Diego's most affluent suburbs, Oaxacan migrants harvest tomatoes, strawberries, oranges, and avocados and, until recently, lived on a hillside within sight of a new housing development. Purepecha farm workers from Michoacan pick lemons in Oxnard, while their families often live in a single room. This combination of photography and oral history project documents indigenous farm worker communities in rural California, and those scattered on the edges of cities from San Diego to Santa Rosa.
It explores the difficult working conditions in the fields, the acute
housing crisis in indigenous communities, and efforts to preserve and
develop indigenous culture as a means of survival and self-expression. Our
Community in the Streets! Photographs by/Fotografías por David Bacon Celebrating International Migrants Day and the solidarity of working people in our community/Celebrando el Día Internacional de Migrante Y la solidaridad de las y los obreros en nuestra comunidad December 7, 2007 - January 31, 2008 Asian
Resource Gallery International
Migrants Day Celebration/Celebración del Día Internacional
del Migrante Participating
organizations/Organizaciones participantes: January 30, 2007 -
University of California, Santa Cruz The Secretary of Culture of the Municipal Government of Mexico City and the Museum of Mexico City announce the exhibition Todos Somos Migrantes/ Museum of Mexico
City Opening: August 1, 2006, 10AM Featuring photos from "Communities Without Borders" by David Bacon and his photos from the huge Los Angeles and San Francisco demonstrations for immigrant rights La Secretaria de Cultura del Gobierno del Distrito Federal y el Museo de la Ciudad de Mexico tienen el honor de invitarlo a la inauguracion de la exposicion Todos Somos Migrantes/ Museo de la Ciudad de Mexico Pino Suarez 30 Inauguracion: 1 de agosto,
10 de la mañana Con fotos de "Comunidades sin Fronteras" por David Bacon, y sus imagenes de las gigantescas marches en Los Angeles y San Francisco a favor de los derechos de los inmigrantes Oil for Freedom
Photographs by David Bacon Following the fall of Saddam Hussein, oil workers in Basra reorganized one of Iraq's oldest unions, faced the occupation's prohibition on collective bargaining in the public sector, and forced US contractor KBR to leave the oil districts. They helped workers organize in other industries, and defended Iraq's oil against the threat of privatization. This photodocumentary project shows them at work on the rigs and in the refineries, their union and its leaders, and their life at home with their families. Starting early this year, the LA Harbor will host this exhibition of photographs of Basra's oil and longshore workers. December 1 - January
31, 2007 September 1 - December
31, 2006 June 1 - August 31 May 1 - May 31 March 1 - March 31 January 31 - February
28 Opening Reception: January 31, 2006, 7:30 PM The show will travel to other unions, labor studies centers, schools, and even plant gates, and will provide space for class visits and community discussions. Sponsored by the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, USW Local 675, United Teachers Los Angeles, ILWU Local 63, Diane Middleton Foundation, the Harry Bridges Institute, and US Labor Against the War (LA). migrantes en
la frontera exposicion en la universidad autonoma de la ciudad de mexico migrants on the border
with the united states exhibition at the entrevista con david bacon en la jornada opening reception, october
18 13 al 28 de octubre 7 al 25 de noviembre 1 al 14 de diciembre
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photographs and stories by David Bacon © 1990-